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Terms And Conditions

Oil Park Development Company ("OPDC", "We”, "Our", Us") is registered in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and has its registered office address at Q1-16 Business Quarter, Salman Al Farisi St., Dammam, Saudi Arabia, These Terms & Conditions of Use (“Terms of Use”) govern your access to and use of this website and the Platforms (as defined below). OPDC offers this website, including all information, tools, and services available from this website, to you conditioned upon your acceptance of these Terms of Use and Our Privacy Policy. These Terms of Use (together, with any documents referred to herein) set out the terms under which you may make use of, whether as a guest or as a registered user: (a) Our Website; (b) Our mobile application; (c) Any of Our social media pages; and (d) Any of Our other technological platforms in whatever form, (together referred to as "Our Platforms" or "the Platforms"). This Terms of Use is a legal document setting forth rights and obligations between you and OPDC. The Terms of Use are to be read in conjunction with Our Privacy Policy, which sets out the terms on which. We process any personal data We collect from you, or that you provide to Us. Please read the Terms of Use and Our Privacy Policy carefully before you start using Our Platforms, as these documents will apply to your use of, including accessing, browsing or registering to use, Our Platforms. By using Our Platforms, you confirm that you accept these Terms of Use and Our Privacy Policy and that you agree to comply with them. If you do not agree to these Terms of Use or Our Privacy Policy, you must not use Our Platforms. By using Our Platforms, you warrant that all data provided by you is accurate.

Age Restrictions
If you are under the age of 18 years, you may only use Our Platforms under the supervision of a person that exercises parental or guardianship authority over you (i.e. a parent or guardian).

Intellectual Property Rights
In these Terms of Use, "Intellectual Property Rights" means intellectual property rights and includes: Copyright, patents, database rights and rights in trademarks, designs, know-how and confidential information (whether registered or unregistered); Applications for registration, and the right to apply for registration, for any of these rights; All other intellectual property rights and equivalent or similar forms of protection existing anywhere in the world; Any licenses, permissions, or rights to use obtained by a third-party owner of intellectual property to use the Content on Our Platforms; "Content" means Our Platforms, including but not limited to the underlying HTML, text, graphics, logos, button icons and images, audio clips, video clips, digital downloads (as well as the organization and layout of Our Platforms), software and other content, including that which is provided by external Third Party Service providers, published and made available to you on Our Platforms. OPDC owns (and where applicable is the licensee of) all Intellectual Property Rights in the Content. All rights, including those not expressly granted, in and to the Platforms and the Content accessible thereon, are reserved by OPDC. Except as otherwise described herein, nothing on Our Platforms shall be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license or right to use any trademark, logo displayed on the Platforms without the owner's prior written permission.

Use of Contents on the Platforms
Limited license: You may access, copy, download and print the Content contained on Our Platforms for your personal and non-commercial use, provided you do not modify or delete any copyright, trademark or other proprietary notice that appears on the Content you access, copy, download or print. Any other use of Content on Our Platforms, including but not limited to the modification, distribution, transmission, performance, broadcast, publication, uploading, licensing is expressly prohibited. You agree to abide by all additional restrictions displayed on Our Platforms as may be updated from time to time. The limited license that is referred to above is revocable at any time in OPDC’s sole discretion. OPDC neither warrants nor represents that your use of Content on the Platforms will not infringe rights of third parties, not affiliated with OPDC. You may not use contact information provided on Our Platforms for unauthorized purposes, including marketing. You may not use any hardware or software intended to damage or interfere with the proper working of the Platforms or to surreptitiously intercept any system, data or personal information from the Platforms. You agree not to interrupt or attempt to interrupt the operation of the site in any way.

Our Website Is Not an Offer to Sell Securities
The material contained in this website is for informational purposes only. Nothing in this website is intended as an inducement or invitation for any person to acquire securities in any jurisdiction. Nothing in the website constitutes or forms a part of any offer for sale or subscription of, or any invitation to offer to buy or subscribe for, any securities, nor should it or any part of it form the basis of, or be relied upon in any connection with any contract or commitment whatsoever. The material is not to be construed as an offer or a recommendation to buy or sell a security.

Accessing Our Platforms
We do not guarantee that Our Platforms, or any Content on them, will always be available or be uninterrupted. We may suspend, withdraw, discontinue or change all or any part of Our Platforms without notice. We will not be liable to you, if for any reason, Our Platforms are unavailable at any time or for any period. OPDC reserves the right to refuse or cancel any person's registration for Our Platforms, or remove any person from or prohibit any person from using Our Platforms, at its sole discretion, at any time and without notice. Termination of your access or use will not waive or affect any other right or relief, to which OPDC may be entitled to in law.

Third-Party Services
Certain links on Our Platform lead to content and resources that are located on websites and servers not under the control of OPDC, or for which organizations other than OPDC are responsible. Such websites, resources and any products and services offered through them are referred to as "Third-Party Services". Any links to Third-Party Services are provided as a convenience to you only. OPDC takes no responsibility for the accuracy, content or any aspect of any Third-Party Service, whether linked to Our Platforms or not, and disclaims any and all liability to you therefor or for any consequence of your decision to use or your use of any such Third Party Service. You understand and agree that: Your use of any Third-Party Service through Our Platforms is subject to such terms, conditions and limitations that the Third-Party Service may impose as a condition of such use, and you agree to abide by all such restrictions; Either OPDC or a provider of a Third-Party Service may restrict or terminate your access to such Third-Party Service at any time; and You shall not bring a suit or claim against OPDC, its partners, employees, agents, contractors, suppliers, or any of them arising from or based on your purchase or use of resources, products or services through any Third Party Service

Changes and Updates to These Terms and Conditions
From time to time We may update, revise, or change these Terms of Use and Our Privacy Policy. These changes will be posted on Our website. Please regularly check these pages for the latest version of these Terms of Use and Our Privacy Policy. Third-Party Service providers may also change their terms of use from time to time. OPDC may not always update these terms to reflect these changes immediately and cannot guarantee that the hyperlinks to the third-party websites are valid and usable.

Changes and Updates to Our Platforms
We may update Our Platforms from time to time and may change the Content at any time. Please note that any of the Content on Our Platforms may be out of date at any given time, and We are under no obligation to update it. We do not guarantee that Our Platforms, or any Content on them, will be free from errors, omissions, or defects, whether material or otherwise, and assume no responsibility or liability in relation thereto.

We do not warrant or guarantee that Our Platforms will be secure or free from bugs or viruses. You are responsible for configuring your information technology, computer programmes and platform in order to access Our Platforms. You should use your own virus protection software. You must not misuse Our Platforms by knowingly introducing viruses, trojans, worms, logic bombs or other material which is malicious or technologically harmful. You must not attempt to gain unauthorized access to Our Platforms, the server on which Our Platforms are stored or any server, and computer or database connected to Our Platforms. By breaching this provision, you would commit an under the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and other countries. We will report any such breach to the relevant law enforcement authorities, and We will cooperate with those authorities by disclosing your identity to them. In the event of such a breach, your right to use Our Platforms will cease, immediately. We do not warrant or guarantee that Our Platforms will be secure, including from cyber-attacks, which may either seek to disrupt access to Our Platforms or steal data contained on Our Platforms. You access Our Platforms and submit any data to the Platforms entirely at your own risk.

Exclusion of Liabilities
To the fullest extent permissible by the Laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, OPDC excludes its liability arising from your access to and use of Our Platforms. You (and any others for whom you allow access to the Platforms) agree that in no event will We be liable to you or to any other person, whether in contract, tort or otherwise, for any loss, liability, cost, damage or other injury of any kind whatsoever, including for consequential, incidental, indirect, special, or punitive damages, including lost profits, business interruption, loss of programs or data on any information handling systems or otherwise, arising out of or resulting from: Any access to or use of the Platforms or Content, or due to any connectivity issues occurring at your premises, even if expressly advised of the possibility thereof; Any inability by you to access the Platforms or Content for any reason whatsoever; Any attack upon the Platforms or Content, including any theft or loss of data from the Platforms or Content; Any virus, distributed denial of service attack, or other technologically harmful material that may infect your computer equipment, computer programs, data or other proprietary material due to your use of the Platforms or the Content or to your downloading of any Content on it, or on any application, website or content linked to it. Without prejudice or limitation to any of the foregoing, to the fullest extent permissible by applicable laws, OPDC excludes any liability on Our behalf and on behalf of any Our Affiliates for any claims or matters arising under or in connection with these Terms of Use. You may not make a claim or bring proceedings relating to the Platforms or Content or against any other OPDC Affiliate to the extent that no direct contractual relationship exists between you and those entities. You shall make any claim or bring proceedings only against Us on the basis that We are the party with whom You have contracted under these Terms of Use. For the purposes of these Terms of Use, “Affiliate” means an entity or individual that controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with, the first entity, and "control" means the ability to direct the policies or operations of an entity, whether by contract, ownership of equity interests, or otherwise. Any claim made in relation to the Platform or Content or otherwise under these Terms of Use, must be brought no later than twelve (12) months from the date of the act or omission alleged to have caused the claim.

Except as otherwise prescribed by applicable law, in the event of any inconsistency between the English language version and the Arabic language version of these Terms and Conditions, the Arabic language version will prevail.

Applicable Law
The Laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will govern these Terms of Use and the courts of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any disputes arising out of these.